There are two versions of my work as displayed in this collection. I have the stand-alone objects. The ones that speak for themselves, the subjects that need no introduction, need no reinventing the wheel. Honestly, they just need a framing in my opinion - for me to honor their beauty, their already mastered and perfected entirety, and that’s as I have done. There is then the story I beg to tell. The compositions, the arrangements, and the pairings. Portraying a setting of sorts, one object meaning something more, something different than its own. A mushroom next to a Men’s magazine. A silver spoon next to canned fish. Most of my work is location-inspired, and if not, it’s usually hedonist-inspired. Maybe that’s the depth of my work, an aspiring traveling hedonist. Brash enough to expose myself again, through works past, into ‘The Archive’ for digestion anew.