Entertainment For Men
Entertainment For Men
—30 x 30 inches
—Colored pencil on paper
—Southhampton, US
(2021) “A collection of gatherings. A collection of my favorite things from the past year. I've been misplaced and in 100 different locations. I've been single and I've been settled. It's iconic and it's non-recognisable but, within my composition, I declare it's all of the same. Same recognizability, but perhaps in it's pairing, it now has different connotations. The mushroom isn't about tripping, it's about foraging and hiking in Colorado, the pearl isn't a sexual node, a freezing winter in Amsterdam, the necklace; Nicaragua, and the sticker, just a little un-named Lass in Idaho.
This piece says more about me than any other work, but I'm hoping it will say something totally different to each viewer and what they make not only of the items in the piece but also their relationship to the ones next to them.”
Original: Sold
Limited edition run: Sold